The LED lighted loupe is fine. As well as the flux and tip-tinner.
I found this PIC ammeter at Cool (copied here without permission yet).
I had bought several of the tuxgraphics 3 digit mini-voltmeters which are similar. An AVR instead of a PIC. However it used a sense resistor and voltage divider for the current mode. My setup had so much noise that I gave up for a while. So I ordered an assortment of Hall Effect devices.

The ACS174 is a -30A to +30A sensor out puting a voltage (66mv/A) so it looked perfect. Then while searching for the DIP I discovered it only comes in SOIC. I always wanted an excuse to play with SMT devices. I am hoping it will be noise immune enough to put a couple meters of cable between the sensor and the micro. The sensor needs to be in the boat's engine room and the micro, a more humane environment. Not so much for it, but for me, to read the output.
No tooling here, so here we go again with the markers and scrapers. The chip only needs GND, +5, decoupling cap and filter cap, then signal out. So a simple board.
I must be on the right track, as after I got the board finished I was surfing to relax and found this from China, only $9. If they could just fix the international world-wide shipping and customs import in some countries, this all might work.

I hope to get some testing in soon. All this web posting uses up the time I could have tested and programmed!
Sitting here wondering where I might find 25 amp of current here in the temporary apartment to test with?
Larry, Very Good, I like the project.